Dynisco Process Indicators
Highly Intuitive and Easily Configurable to Meet Specific Processing Needs
Dynisco process indicators adhere to international DIN panel standards and can be supplied with a transmitter power supply, one or more alarms, auto retransmission, and control capabilities.
UPR900 Process Indicator
The UPR900 can display your choice of engineering units related to a selectable range of input types. Add an optional secondary input for an all-in-one display of polymer melt pressure and temperature. The secondary input can be strain gauge to indicate differential pressure measurement. The UPR900 includes two standard assignable alarms with the option to add a 3rd. The LCD graphical display allows for easy reading of trending graphs with user selectable monochromatic configurations. The UPR900 is easily field-configured, can be programmed remotely via optional Modbus RS-485 or can be programmed with BlueControl software.
1480 Panel Indicator
The 1480 is a Universal Pressure or Temperature Input Indicator with single or dual configurable alarms, as well as optional linear retransmission of displayed Process Variable. Ideal for use in Extrusion applications.
1490 Panel Indicator
The 1490 is a Universal Input Indicator with single or dual configurable alarms, optional linear retransmission of Process Variable, Transmitter power supply option as well as optional Modbus communications.